Sunday, December 30, 2007

माया त येस्तो होस :..................

दुनिया स्वार्थी बनिरहेको बेलामा कति निस्वार्थ माया छ यो २ बीच मा हैन त कस्तो लाग्यो हजूर लाई यो पिक्चर हेरे पछी मन को कुरा भन्नु होस है .......................


Anonymous said...

i feel that though this world had become a selfishness..... day by day.... but the luv has it's own worth and a value which will nevr die wid a selfness iz 4ver n ever and a wonderful thng's in this world a sweet kiss in the picture .......which has it's own passion ...

Anonymous said...

When you feel cold and warm at the same time, when you read over the same line for the tenth time, when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme, and when a simple name conquers your whole mind, then you are in deep trouble my dear... you are in what they call, "love".